Purple Onion Cough Syrup

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Purple onion contains an amazing amount of antioxidants and two key elements for respiratory health. Only red or purple onions contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants and pigments that give them their color. Quercetin is a main antioxidant  in onions that have been shown to decrease blood pressure and support the immune system. Quercetin is a popular supplement recommended to healing when experiencing viral infections such as covid, flu and other colds.  Onions are anti-carcinogenic, antiviral and antibacterial.

Here's an all natural Purple onion Cough syrup

1. Grab a mason jar (small size) with a lid

2. Small purple onion

3. Raw local honey


Slice purple onion thinly. I remove the skin but this step isn't necessary. Place in the mason jar. I use a small one but feel free to use a larger one if you want more cough syrup. Pour honey all over the sliced onion, ensure the honey covers all the onion. Place lid on jar and shake. Allow to sit for an hour. After an hour the onion juice will mix with the honey and create a thin syrup. You can begin taking a tablespoon every three hours while symptoms persist. After 24 hours strain the purple onion from your cough syrup. The honey is antibacterial but I still refrigerate and with refrigeration this mixture can last for 3 months. 

*NOTE: Honey is not to be administered to babies under 1 year old.

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