60 Minute Initial Folk Herbal Consultation (Virtual)

60 Minute Initial Folk Herbal Consultation (Virtual)

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During a 60-minute Folk Herbal Consultation for personal health and wellness, Alece Coleman, Folk Herbalist will work closely with you to assess your specific health concerns and goals. The consultation will typically consist of the following steps:

1. Intake: At the beginning of the session, you will be asked to provide detailed information about your medical history, current health issues, and any medications or supplements you are taking. This helps your folk herbalist understand your overall health picture.

2. Health Assessment: Alece will ask specific questions related to your main health concerns, such as symptoms, duration, and severity. Alece may also inquire about your lifestyle, stress levels, diet, and exercise habits. This assessment helps determine the root causes of your health issues.

3. Individualized Recommendations: Based on the information gathered, the Alece will create a personalized herbal protocol tailored to your needs. Alece will recommend specific herbs, herbal preparations (such as teas, tinctures, or capsules), and dosage instructions.

4. Education and Guidance: Alece will provide you with information about the recommended herbs and their potential benefits and contraindications. Alece may also offer guidance on incorporating herbal remedies into your daily routine and making any necessary lifestyle changes.

5. Safety Considerations: Alece will discuss any potential herb-drug interactions or side effects to ensure your safety. Alece may also advise you to consult with your primary healthcare provider if necessary.

6. Follow-up: Depending on your individual needs, Alece may schedule a follow-up session to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments to the herbal protocol.


*Directly after purchase you will be emailed a calendar link to schedule your initial consultation. Consultation availability is Sundays only from 11:00am-3:00pm Eastern Standard Time.


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